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FARSEEING project publishes first results

FARSEEING logoFARSEEING (FAll Repository for the design of Smart and sElf-adaptive Environments prolonging Independent livinG) is a collaborative European Commission funded research project that aims to provide a thematic network to promote healthy, independent living for older adults, and better prediction, identification and prevention of falls through the use of ICT devices.

In addition to collecting data about real-life falls of older adults to better understand the risk factors for falls, FARSEEING aims to establish:

  • longitudinal risk factors for falls.
  • effective telemedicine models to enable effective intervention.
  • effective methods to encourage older adults to take-up and maintain use of technologies.
  • effective use of technologies to challenge older adults and prevent falls.

FARSEEING has published a White Paper that provides an update on the findings from the project so far, as well as a number of recommendations based on these findings.

For details and a link to the White Paper, visit the European Commission website.

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ProFaNE.co has long term associations with AgeUK, NOS, BGS and LLT and is proud to be part of the NoS and AgeUK Falls and Fractures Alliance.
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