Medline Plus, a service of the US National Library of Medicine, has produced a helpful list of questions older adults can ask their doctor or GP to help them control their own risk of falls.
The list includes questions on exercise, medication, home safety and what to do after experiencing a fall, which can be used as a useful prompt during consultations and act as a way of raising awareness of the risk of falls among older people, and the role general practitioners can play in preventing falls.
Examples include:
- Am I taking any medicines that will make me sleepy, dizzy, or lightheaded?
- Are there exercises I can do to make me stronger or improve my balance to help prevent falls?
- Where in my home do I need to make sure there is enough light?
- How can I make my bathroom safer? Do I need a shower chair? Do I need a raised toilet seat? Do I need help when I take a shower or bath?
- Do I need bars on the walls in the shower, by the toilet, or in the hallways?
- Should I use a cane or a walker?
- What should I do if I fall? How can I keep my phone near me?
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