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The frightening prevalence of sedentary behaviour in older people

Old Couple Sitting - Increased Potential for FallsJuliet Harvey and others have published a systematic review on the self reported and objectively measured prevalence of sedentary behaviour in older people. The article is open access and can be viewed online.

Almost 60% of older adult’s reported sitting for more than 4 h per day, 65% sit in front of a screen for more than 3 h daily and over 55% report watching more than 2 h of TV. However, when measured objectively in a small survey, it was found that 67% of the older population were sedentary for more than 8.5 h daily, suggesting self report vastly underestimates the true prevalence.

We know sedentary behaviour is an independent risk factor to health, what effect is all this sitting having on the rate of falls?

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