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Please use the following form to get in touch if you need any help with the site, including any problems with registration.

Please note that we are currently unable to provide any support for falls prevention queries unless you are a registered member. If you need help with falls prevention please register and/or login and use the Support section of the website where you can ask your question without having to enter the Captcha or your personal details (hint: it's much easier and you will get a faster response!).

Registration is quick and easy and less than the price of a coffee at only £1 per month (payable £12 p/a) - we think it represents excellent value for money! Click here to register and join your community now.

We aim to answer all support queries within 24 hours during the working week and faster where possible. If you have not received a reply in this time it may be because replies are being classified as junk mail, or in the case of some Hotmail accounts blocked altogether, so please check your junk mail folder. In this case please include a telephone number in your message so we have some way to contact you other than by email. Thank you!

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