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New Falls Prevention Resources

Two new resources have been posted on the ProFouND (Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination) website. The resources are aimed at raising awareness of falls among older people, as well as evidence-based interventions.

Best Practice in Falls prevention – 4 evidence based interventions (Dutch)
This leaflet, provided by Nederlands Instituut voor Sport & Bewegen (NISB) and VeiligheidNL (CSI), addresses professionals and contains information about 4 evidence based, multifactorial, fall prevention interventions.

Fall prevention leaflet (Italian)
This leaflet addresses fallers and individuals at risk of falls, relatives of fallers, and GPs to increase their awareness toward falls. The leaflet is distributed by GPs and/or scattered in the waiting rooms of GPs in Italy. At present the leaflet (2 pages) can be downloaded here: prevenzione cadute.

Click here to visit the ProFouND website.

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AgeUK - Love Later Life National Osteoporosis Society ProFouND Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination Logo British Geriatrics Society Later Life Training

ProFaNE.co has long term associations with AgeUK, NOS, BGS and LLT and is proud to be part of the NoS and AgeUK Falls and Fractures Alliance.
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