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New Website Section on Vision Impairment and Falls – Map of Falls and Fracture Prevention Updated

profane.co_Vision_Falls_PreventionFurther to the announcement that profane.co is now a member of the Falls and Fractures Alliance, we are very proud to present the first in a brand new series of dedicated sections of the profane.co website based on the Map of Falls and Fracture Prevention. The Vision Impairment and Falls section is a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know about this important topic as a falls prevention professional.

We have also made updates to the Map of Falls and Fractures, thanks to David Langford and Lotte Evron for their contributions - very much appreciated. Also, if you see a 'red dot' next to a node, it means there is a dedicated profane.co section for that topic - the first being the new Vision and Falls section.

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AgeUK - Love Later Life National Osteoporosis Society ProFouND Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination Logo British Geriatrics Society Later Life Training

ProFaNE.co has long term associations with AgeUK, NOS, BGS and LLT and is proud to be part of the NoS and AgeUK Falls and Fractures Alliance.
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