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Example of Successful Falls Exercise Services – Glasgow 2008

Greater Glasgow NHS Community Falls Prevention programme (CFPP- 2007)

Total population of Greater Glasgow: 850,486
Population aged 65+: 128,603

In 2007, about 807 falls screens were completed by the healthcare technical instructors (Occupational Therapy support workers) in order to determine the individual’s risk factors for falling.

As a result of screening, 617 (from CFPP 2007 database) were referred for in-house Physiotherapy Assessment and 414 (total of referrals received by CFPP Classes in 2007) older people were offered a health funded evidence based exercise programme (.pdf) delivered in the community, with only 36 declining i.e. 378 attending as newcomers.

A full evaluation of the Glasgow Falls and Bone Health Services showed a significant reduction in hip fracture admissions over the last ten years.

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AgeUK - Love Later Life National Osteoporosis Society ProFouND Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination Logo British Geriatrics Society Later Life Training

ProFaNE.co has long term associations with AgeUK, NOS, BGS and LLT and is proud to be part of the NoS and AgeUK Falls and Fractures Alliance.
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